The canyon is very thin but a little stiffer goatskin that will eventually break in and become softer as it’s handled. The navy lambskin liner was also quite thin. The customer wanted a firmer cover for his NLT so I added a split cowhide between the cover and liner that added rigidity and a much-improved feel overall. It is firm on the outside, and a little spongier on the inside, a truly distinctive feel that is sure to become so much richer over time. The customer did not want much of a yapp, and the firmer cover won’t bend over the text block. The hand-stitched edge blends into the canyon’s color nicely.
J. Harlan
I am an amateur bookbinder that enjoys providing quality Bible and other book rebinds at an affordable price. I am also a husband, father, son, brother, uncle, and unapologetic follower of Jesus Christ. I hold a bachelors from Moody Bible Insititute in Chicago and a masters in theological studies from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. My wife and I have called Nashville home since 2012.